Climate change & pollution solutions assemblies

The solution to climate change lies in our hands. We are all responsible to make a small change in our lives to help the planet.

You are all the future. You are all very clever and have the power, creativity and initiative to invent, discover and come up with new solutions to help our planet.

What would you invent to help combat climate change and pollution?

Here are some videos which show some pioneers of environmental change. They have been forward thinking and innovative to create new solutions. This is what the world needs more of!

1) (6 mins) The 'Greenest Schools' in the world

2) (6 mins 30) Two Bali student eradicate plastic bags across the island

3) (4 mins) Green School Bali help to produce Biofuel to power their school buses by recycling cooking oil

4) 22 inventions that are saving the planet (7 mins)