L3 - The Ten Gurus

WALT: Understand why the ten gurus are important to Sikhs

Recap: Can you remember the names of the 5 Ks? Can you remember what they are? Can you remember the names of the three pillars of Sikhism? What do they mean?

Think and link - Talk to your partner and discuss as a class: Why do you think the three pillars of Sikhism still matter to Sikhs in Britain today? Do they matter to people who aren't Sikh? Why might this be?

Watch this short video which explains why the ten Gurus are so important to Sikhs and how they learn of their teachings through storytelling. 

Read through this PowerPoint to learn more about the ten Gurus.

Work with a partner to investigate the ten Gurus. What can you find out about them? Complete this worksheet, using the information sheet to help you.