What is a life cycle?
All living things have a life cycle, even plants. During this topic we are going to study the life cycles of plants, birds, mammals, amphibians and insects.
Generally most life cycles have 5 common stages. These are:
BIRTH: This is when an animal is either born or hatches from an egg.
GROWTH: This is a stage of rapid growth when the young animal changes and becomes independent. During this stage the parents often feed and protect their young.
ADULT: When the animal is an adult, it is independent and can begin to reproduce. This stage is usually the longest stage of a life cycle.
OLD AGE: As animals age, they begin to slow down and become weaker. They may also stop reproducing.
DEATH: The animal is no longer living.
There are 6 stages in the human life cycle:
At this time, a baby is growing inside it's mum's womb.

A baby is born after spending 9 months inside the womb.

At this stage, you learn to walk and talk.

Children become teenagers.

Your body is fully developed.

Old age / elderly
The last stage in the life cycle of a human.

Explore the human life cycle here: Click on the picture and watch the first clip called What is a lifecycle?
Describe in detail the changes which happen in each stage of the human life cycle. You can present this information in any way you chose, e.g. a passage of writing, poster or as a pic collage. Click this link for information to help you. www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgssgk7/articles/z2msv4j