Week 3 - Gestation periods as data
Hello children,
For the last few weeks we have been focusing on plants reproduction. As you know, reproduction is one of the life processes of all living things and ensures the continuation of the species for the next generation.
During your life cycle work, you learnt that most vertebrates lay eggs, however mammals mostly give birth to live young. The length of time that the feotus develops inside the mother before it is born is called the gestation period. In humans, the gestation period is 9 months.
Below is a table of data showing the gestation periods of different animals.
Task: Your task is to present the information in the gestation table as a scatter graph with a line of best fit. Explain in your own words any patterns you can see and make up 5 questions and answers about the graph you have drawn.
Follow this link if you would like to find out how to draw a scatter graph and a line of best fit.
When you draw your graph you will need to neatly write in the name of the animal in pencil by the side of each point. Draw a line of best fit so that approximately half the points are on one side of the line and half on the other. If you do not have graph paper or would like help with drawing your graph, please print out the graph below.
Here is a checklist of things to include on your graph if you are drawing it completely.
Graph checklist: Have I included the following?
- A scale which fits the largest number.
- A title for the graph, e.g. A graph to show the …
- A label for each axis.
- Have I written each axis with equal gaps between numbers/words?
Extension task: Choose an animal of your choice and complete your own research about its gestation period. Fill in the sheet below with all your findings.
Well done! Please send me your work on Teams.