• Steam Week 2024

Steam Week 2024

This year we are looking at reducing plastic waste as part of our Steam Week.

First, discuss with your groups, what is good and what is bad about plastic?

What kind of plastic do we need to reduce?

Look at this page. Watch the video and read the information.

What is the problem? What is the solution?

Now we can see why single use plastic is a problem, we can start to find a solution. We are going to focus on plastic bags. 

Discuss: Why are plastic bags useful? Write a list of when/where you might use a plastic bag.

What could be used instead of a plastic bag? Are they good for the environment? Watch this clip until 3.30mins.

What kind of bag is best for the environment?

TASK 1: Your task is to design and make a bag from recycled materials. You can make two prototypes and then decide which one is the best. It should be able to hold at least 500g and be showerproof.

Look at the ideas below.

Think about what materials you could use to make your bag and how you can join them to make them strong. As this is supposed to be sustainable you should use as little sellotape as possible. What else could you use instead? Think about sewing or weaving. You can practise these skills in class.

TASK 2: Once your bag is finished you can create a poster and a video to advertise your bag and persuade people to use your bag instead of buying plastic, cotton or paper bags. Explain why yours is better for the environment and what is special about your bag.

Extension: Watch this video that Mrs Alves started in assembly about inventions.