Anti Bullying Week 2021-school

Lesson 1- What is the message this year?

Watch this video to see what the important message is this year. 

Discuss this PPT together as a class. What is the message?

TASK : Add to the padlet below to say why you think we should celebrate differences. 

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Lesson 2-What part will you play?

Discuss this scenario in more detail. Without mentioning names, have you ever seen this happen in or out of school? What happened? Did you do the right thing? What could you do to help in the future?

TASK: Complete the puzzle piece and think about what part you will play. You could draw a large puzzle piece in your PSHEE book.

Lesson 3-My anti-bullying superhero!

Watch this short clip and discuss.

What is a superhero? What do these characters have in common?

TASK: Design a superhero of your own who could help stop bullying. Think about the following.

  • name
  • costume
  • logo
  • powers
  • who they protect

Extension-make your superhero into a top trump card. Think about their powers!

Lesson 4 - Our class anti-bullying rap!

Think about the story of Harry Potter. Who bullies Harry in the stories? Can adults be bullies? Please watch this clip.

Does Harry manage to stop the bullies? How is his time at Hogwarts made better? Who helps him? 

Listen to the words of this was written about Taylor Swift’s experience at school. Link What she said in the song did come in the end she did beat the bully!

TASK: In pairs, write your own anti-bullying rap/song. The chorus must have a positive choice/wish. Record yourselves performing it and post on the padlet below.

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