Wednesday 30th September


Remember 5 a Day to start

TASK-choose from the work below and answer in your books. Please mark your answers before handing in. 

Recap on exchanging-Easier

Recap on Exchanging-Harder

Try the extension questions below and above. 


Yesterday you wrote a story opening for the first part of a Doctor Who episode- Blink. Now watch the beginning to 2 minutes 19 seconds. 

Use your opening paragraph and continue the story up to the rock almost hitting Sally. Use descriptive writing to describe the setting and short sentences to add drama during the action when the rock almost hits her. Use the prompt sheet below to help you with what to include.

If you are at home send a photo of your story to your class teacher.

North America topic - Why did were so many Black Africans sent to North America?

For lesson 2 we look at how the slaves were treated Click here