Tuesday 22nd September

5B only-these are the links for your live lessons MATHS 9.30am everyday ENGLISH 11am everyday. If you miss the lesson, the recording will be in the TEAMS channel for you to listen to.

Maths - Negative numbers

Remember to start with Maths 5 a Day.

Today we are carrying on with negative numbers. Can you think of how negative numbers are used in real life? One of the most common uses of negative numbers are for temperatures, but negative numbers are also used in football and other sporting tables.

There are two options for today’s maths, you can do the temperature work (expected level) Or the football league work (challenging level). You don’t have to do both.

Temperature Work.

For answers click below.

Football league work.

 As well as temperatures, we also use negative numbers in football league tables! 

In football leagues the teams are ranked depending on how many points each team has, however if two teams have the same number of points, they are then ranked on goal difference. Imagine each goal scored is a positive one and each goal conceded (scored against you) is a negative one. If you score more goals than you concede you will have a positive goal difference, if you concede more than you score, you will have a negative goal difference.

MP=Matches Played         D=Drawn         GF=Goals For                  GD=Goal Difference

W=Won                              L=Lost             GA=Goals Against         Pts=Points

See below for explanation of league tables

What are the missing numbers in the table below. You can number them 1-20, you do not need to copy the table out.

The answers can be found below.

Extra questions: 

Which team scored the most goals? Which team scored the least?

Which Team conceded the most goals? Which team conceded the least?

Who has the greatest goal difference? 

How many teams have a negative goal difference?

What would it mean to have a goal difference of zero?

Man Utd and Chelsea have the same number of points but Man Utd are ahead. If Chelsea still conceded 54 goals how any more goals would they need to score to beat Man Utd?

English - Planning to write a sailor's diary

Click here to access the lesson.

5A Science- click here for your lesson.
5B Topic-Art - creating a feather for a North American headdress

Look at the PPT below about North American headdresses.

Mr Wilbraham recorded his explanation of the task in class (see below), to help you gather ideas for your work at home. Don’t worry if you do not have pastels, any use of colour will be good. There will also be the opportunity, in school, for everyone to create a feather for the display.

TASK: Design 2 DIFFERENT feathers. Make them at least 20cm long. Use bright colours to decorate them. Please post below.

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