Friday 25th September

5B only-these are the links for your live lessons MATHS 9.30 am everyday ENGLISH 11am everyday. If you miss the lesson, the recording will be in the TEAMS channel for you to listen to.

Maths - Arithmetic

Have a go at the arithmetic test below. When you have finished mark your work and tell your teacher your score on Teams (the answers are at the end of the test.)

Also practise your negative numbers and do 5 a Day..if you have time!

English - Spellings (  'auto'   and     'bi ' )

  • Please complete the page below from Curriculum Visions.
  • Spellings-choose 6-8 of the spellings below and write out 4 times to practise them.
  • Then complete the other sections and copy the answers into your book.
  • Make sure you know what the term prefix means...this will help you
  • What is a route word...this will help you.

Extension-can you think of any other prefixes? What do they mean?..send a list on TEAMS.

TASK: please send your work as a task on FFLY.

Science (5B)

Following this link to see your Science work for today.

Art (5A)

Look on Tuesday's work at the feather art 5B did. Have a go and add your work to the padlet.