Familiy Histories - World War II

Some children (and staff) were able to share the wartime stories of relatives. There are some moving stories here.

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Keith John Claridge (RAF) - Ralph Wormleighton, Class 1A

My Great Grand Mother’s family during the war - Leo Carrelli (4S)

Katy Browning 4B

My dad survived a shipwreck when he was 5 years old - Mrs Burns

Keith John Claridge (RAF)  -  Ralph Wormleighton, Class 1A

(1922 - 2000)

In this fascinating story, among other things, we learn how Keith survived his plane ditching in the Mediterranean.

My great grandmother’s family during the war - Leo Carelli (4S)

Norah was born in 1920. Like her four brothers, she served during the war. It is moving to read Leo's account of their heroic contribution to the war effort.

My great grandparents - Katy Browning 4B

Katy tells about the service her family gave to their community at this important time in our history.

My dad survived a shipwreck when he was 5 years old - Mrs Burns 

We are very grateful to Mrs Burns for sharing this incredible story, of how her dad and his sister survived, when their transport ship was sunk by a torpedo in the Atlantic Ocean.

Alexander Winton and his sister Sylvia