Friday 18th September
5B- Before your TEAMS call today, remind yourself of these rules (bottom of page)
5L no calls today, we trialled ours yesterday. Calls will start next week.
Have a go at the arithmetic test below. Once you have finished you can mark your work as the answers are at the end. If you can not print it out just write the answers on a piece of paper. Send your score to your teacher via a task on firefly. Take a photo of JUST the front page with your score on please.
Maths Problems
Can you solve these? Show all your working. What solution did you find?
TASK: Post you answers below on this padlet page-with explanations!
- Please complete the page below from Curriculum Visions.
- Spellings-choose 6-8 of the spellings below and write out 4 times to practise them.
- Then complete the other sections and copy the answers into your book.
- Make sure you know what a synonym/antonym is. If you don't know, use a dictionary. See link
- Do the activity below as a warm up in class or on your TEAMS call-whiteboards or scrap not write in your books!
This might help!-how to do Curriculum Visions work