Topic: Normans - 1066 The Norman Conquest  (WFH)

Watch the video below to find out about our topic for this half term.

I love this video by Horrible histories! Feel free to watch it over and over again and sing along!

Britain was successfully invaded by a Norman army from France in 1066. This is one of the most well-known dates in English history. What happened, and why, and what was the impact of the invasion?

Follow this link to find out about the Norman invasion.

Watch this video to see what happened in 1066.

Now test yourself to see what you have learnt!

Look at this Twinkl ppt about the Battle of Hastings. Click on the blue writing underneath the file to view the ppt on your iPad.

TASK FOR TODAY: Describe in your own words what happened at the Battle of Hastings. You could do this as a storyboard (either hand drawn or on Comic Heads) or a couple of paragraphs of writing or as an Apple Clips video explanation or even try making a StopMotion video*. Submit this to your class teacher this week. There is a help sheet below with the key facts on if you need it.

* you should now have the stop motion app on your school iPad. There are lots of videos on YouTube you could watch to learn how to use it.  Lego figures are often used in stop motion videos. The video clip you watched earlier uses stop motion. To see how a former Fairfield pupil used Stop motion to explain the battle of Dunkirk, click here and scroll down the page to the fourth item. 

Help Sheet