Week 3 - What is Democracy?

Lesson 1

The word democracy literally means “rule by the people.” It is derived from a Greek word coined from the words demos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) .

Discuss: Why do we have rules? What would happen if we did not have rules? Who enforces rules? How are rules and laws different?

Now watch this Newsround video to find out how democracy works in the UK. Watch this parliament video to find out how parliament in the UK works.

Task 1: In your books produce a mindmap with the title 'Rules'.

This is an example of a mind map- you could also add illustrations.

The PPT below may also give you ideas of things to include:

Lesson 2

Watch this funny video about democracy. The opposite of a democracy is a dictatorship.

Look at this PowerPoint to see how democracy works in the UK.

Now look at how democracy was developed in ancient Greece. How does it compare to democracy in the UK?

Task: either print out the sheet or draw a table in your books to compare democracy in the UK and democracy in Ancient Greece.