• Year 5

Year 5

Posted on Friday 4th September

In July, we shared lots of information (below)about Year 5.  I hope it was useful.

Here is a short video to update you on a few items relating to the start of term on Monday.

Information posted in July 2020

It would have been lovely to see all of our children on 'Moving On Day', and the parents of our new children too, but unfortunately we are not able to this year.

We hope that the information on this page will give you a flavour of what to expect from Year 5 at Fairfield.

Our Year 5 Team 

We have recorded two videos for you. The first is a summary for everyone to see. The second film is much shorter and it looks at a few subjects that will be important to new children.

Below the films you will find a slightly more detailed written version of the information that is covered in the films. There is also a basic stationery list to help you prepare for the new term.

I would like to highlight 3 points that I know parents will be particularly interested in:

1) Assessment - You will be aware that we are in the fortunate position where the secondary schools in the Loughborough Schools Foundation will offer places to Year 5 children, in Fairfield, during the Summer Term (2021). (Children are also at liberty to sit entrance exams in January 2022). Offers will be based on information gathered from assessments the children complete throughout Year 5. The 6 Fairfield Scholarships will be based on assessment data gathered in the Autumn Term of Year 6.

2) Year 5 Curriculum  - While we work hard in Year 5, this will certainly not be a year spent 'cramming' for exams.  Lessons are intended to be inspiring and we encourage children to be creative through discussion, drama, writing, art, film and online technology. They are given opportunities to develop and explain their own ideas in a supportive environment. Those that really enjoy debating have the opportunity to represent the school in debating competitions.

3) It has been decided that children will not wear school uniform for the first Half Term. The decision has been made to help the many parents and children who have not been able to buy uniform items from the School Shop for the last few months. This will be an important issue for our new children and those who have grown out of school uniform items. Details relating to this will be clarified by Mr Earnshaw but we would obviously hope that clothes are clean, smart and appropriate for an active school day.

We hope this is all useful to you.

We are really looking froward to welcoming you into Year 5.

Mr T. Wilbraham
Head of Year 5

For new parents and for parents of children currently in Year 4

For parents of new children

Information in slightly more detail

Stationery list